Living in Houston has its perks: great food, vibrant culture, and plenty of sunshine. Although with all that sunshine comes a pesky problem for car owners alike – auto glass water spots.

These unsightly marks can really put a damper on your ride, but fear not because this is where our team at A+ Auto Glass comes in handy.

Here at A+ Auto Glass, we aim to educate our readers and clients when it comes to all things cars and glass. In this article, we’re going to tell you what you need to know to prevent and remove auto glass water spots in Houston, Texas.

First thing’s first: what causes auto glass water spots?

The answer to this question is simple, it’s all about the minerals. When water evaporates on your car’s windshield or windows, it can leave behind mineral deposits that create those cloudy and white marks. Houston’s notoriously hard water only exacerbates this problem.

This is why it’s vital to take steps to prevent these spots from forming in the first place.

One easy solution is to park your car in a covered area like a garage or a carport. This will not only protect your car from the elements, but it can also keep it shaded from the sun, which can intensify the effects of hard water.

If you don’t have access to covered parking, consider investing in a car cover to shield your ride.

Another preventative measure is to use distilled or purified water when washing your car. This will help minimize the amount of minerals that come into contact with your auto glass and can also make your car shine like new.

Though if you’re already dealing with auto glass water spots, don’t fear because A+ Auto Glass has some remedies you can try at home.

A popular method is to mix equal parts white vinegar and water, then applying the solution to the affected area with a microfiber cloth. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes then wipe away with a cloth. Alternatively, you can mix baking soda with water to create a paste, then apply it to the spots. You can let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away.

If home remedies aren’t cutting it, plenty of commercial products are available and we can help you with this at A+ Auto Glass. Simply send us a message and we’ll help you out.

Know that with a little prevention and some simple remedies, you can keep your ride looking shiny and new all year round. For more information regarding auto glass repairs and replacement in Houston, visit our shop at A+ Auto Glass.