Window motors and regulators are essential components of power windows in modern cars. They allow drivers and passengers to raise and lower their windows with a button.

However, like any other mechanical component, window motors and regulators are subject to wear and tear over time, which can lead to failure – car owners need to know why it happens.

To help car owners, A Plus listed in this article the real reasons why window motor ad regulators fail, such as the following:

Age and Wear

One of the most common reasons why window motors and regulators fail is simply due to age and wear. Over time, the mechanical components of the motor and regulator can wear down and eventually fail.

According to a survey conducted by Consumer Reports, worn-out window motors, and broken window regulators are common causes of power window failures.

Faulty Wiring

Faulty wiring is another common cause of window motor and regulator failure. Wiring can become damaged or corroded over time, which can cause the motor or regulator to malfunction. According to a report by RepairPal, faulty wiring is one of the top five reasons why power windows fail.

Blown Fuses

Blown fuses are another common cause of power window failure. Fuses can blow due to a variety of reasons, including an electrical surge or a short circuit.

According to Consumer Reports, blown fuses are the second most common reason why power windows fail.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors like extreme temperatures, moisture, and debris can also contribute to the window motor and regulator failure. For example, moisture can cause corrosion, while debris can cause the motor or regulator to become jammed.


Overuse can also cause window motors and regulators to fail. If a window is frequently opened and closed, the motor and regulator can wear down faster than usual.

Lack of Use

On the flip side, lack of use can also cause window motors and regulators to fail. If a window is not opened or closed for an extended period, the motor and regulator can become stuck or jammed.

Poor Installation

Poor installation can also cause window motor and regulator failure. If the motor or regulator is not installed correctly, it can become misaligned or damaged, which can lead to failure – keep this in mind.

Electrical Issues

Electrical issues can also cause window motor and regulator failure. For example, a faulty switch or relay can prevent the motor or regulator from functioning properly.

Manufacturer Defects

Finally, manufacturer defects can also cause window motor and regulator failure. If the component was not designed or manufactured correctly, it can fail prematurely. According to Consumer Reports, faulty window switches are a common cause of power window failure due to manufacturer defects.

If you want to learn more about power windows, get in touch with us. We are the most trusted Automotive Glass Repair service provider in Houston, Texas.

Call us today and learn about our services.